Martin Stockburger #teamkoncept


Since I founded KONCEPT HOTELS a few years ago, I have been driven by the vision of a fair, digital and more efficient hotel industry.

The questions and problems of that time have now been heightened by the challenges of today, and companies that are positioned improperly and work inefficiently in terms of costs are on the verge of collapse. And with them the jobs of millions of passionate hosts.

The past years have shown that with KONCEPT HOTELS we have created a sustainable hotel product that stands firm in times of crisis through flexibility and digitality and wins the hearts of our guests in times of economic upswing through the lightness and positive message of a better world.

Our ideas have won many awards, e.g. the Digital Leader Award or the So!Apart Award, which reward both our digital know-how and our successful management of the hotels.

We want to take our popular hotel concept even further into the world and therefore invite you to develop future projects together with us. We can imagine the following projects together:

  • Management contracts
  • Lease agreements
  • Purchase of existing properties

I look forward to it!

Martin Stockburger
Founder & Managing Director


Anyone who wants to run a successful hotel today must, more than ever, keep an eye on the profitability of operations and sales.

We therefore combine not only our digital know-how, which has been awarded the cross-sector Digital Leader Award, but also our many years of experience in operating and marketing accommodation facilities with a wide variety of location conditions.

The cost-efficient operating concept, which focuses on the holistic automation of all processes, also enables us to manage hotels of all sizes with proven economic success.

Außenansicht des KONCEPT HOTEL in Tübingen mit Baupaletten im Vordergrund


Are you still looking through the jungle of the many hotel tech providers who promise you a rosy future with their product?

We also had to work hard to acquire our know-how and manage to embed the promises of the best-of-class providers operationally seamlessly into operational processes through lived agility.

Through our interdisciplinary teams we have created an expertise at KONCEPT HOTELS that is almost unique in the industry and which we would like to pass on in order to make our joint business fit for the future.

Let’s master the way there together!

Digitaler Self-Check in im KONCEPT HOTEL


The challenges facing the hotel industry today are many times more complex than they were a few years ago.

Without a razor-sharply positioned product, without cost-efficient operational management, without a holistic marketing and sales strategy and without a future- and crisis-proof concept, neither banks nor guests can be convinced today.

We manage our KONCEPT HOTELS in the most diverse destinations – from international metropolises to medium-sized district towns – with outstanding success. Not only the key figures, which are all above the market average, speak for this. It is also the fact that, despite all current adversities, we still manage to make sufficient investments in accordance with our sustainability strategy.

Frau mit Laptop im KONCEPT HOTEL Bett


Making the world around us a little better every day is a puristic intrinsic motivation.

For far too long our industry has relied on growth alone and ignored the effects of its actions. Even long before sustainability became a buzzword, we were already taking a holistic approach that went further than most of the common certifications in the hotel industry requir, as evidenced, for example, by the award of the Biosphere-Certified seal.

We think about our employees, about our cities, about the living conditions of the people who work in and for the hotel industry. We think about the environment, about the finite resource water, and about the way our electricity is produced. We think about mobility, gender equality and attractive jobs.

We think and then we act. In all existing and future hotels.

Esstisch und Fehrnseher im Doppelzimmer im Hotel Tübingen


Our hotels all have their own charm, their own history and are embedded in an environment that is part of this identity.

This will not be different in our project and therefore it is our desire to bring out the identity of each hotel individually.

Where in other hotel businesses uniform hotel products are created that can hardly be distinguished from each other, we attach great importance to the local charm that your guests appreciate, not only in marketing and design.

While every project at KONCEPT HOTELS is part of a larger whole, we still want to convey the local character of each location to our guests.

Waschbecken im Badezimmer des Hotel Josefine in Köln Nippes
Frau sitzt im KONCEPT HOTEL am Laptop und arbeitet


You have a cool project that falls into the category of management, lease or sale? Then leave us your contact details and we will get back to you:

    You just have a few questions and need help with your existing project in terms of digitization and/or sustainability?

    With pleasure! Simply arrange a consulting mandate with us:

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